The Old Chapel Inn

Overall Rating 1.4 (3 reviews)


The Old Chapel Inn Description

The Old Chapel Inn business is located at the 2 The Uplands, Smethwick West Midlands. It serves Pub Food food. The avarage rating of this business rated by 3 reviewers is 1.4. For more deatils and orders call The Old Chapel Inn on 0121 555 4900.

The Old Chapel Inn Phone Number

0121 555 4900

The Old Chapel Inn Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


The Old Chapel Inn Location

The Old Chapel Inn Facilities

Full Alcohol BarFull Alcohol Bar

The Old Chapel Inn Website

Website URL is not available.

The Old Chapel Inn Cuisine

Pub Food

The Old Chapel Inn Address

2 The Uplands
Smethwick , West Midlands , B67 6EQ
United Kingdom


Tру Oдв Cрфзуд Iтт The Old Chqpel Inn Smethwick Wثسف Mهيمشىيس Tיק Oךג Cישפקך Iממ Tपा Oत् Cपोजात Iलल Sьуерцшсл Wקדא Mןגךשמגד Sةثفاصهؤن Tاث Oمي Cاشحثم Iىى S,ethzick 2 Tру Uздфтвы Sצקאי'ןבל The Old Chapel Inn Sμετηςιψκ 2 Tपा Uजतोल्े Sทำะ้ไรแา T้ำ Oสก C้ฟยำส Iืื 2 Tיק Uפךשמגד Wำหะ Mรกสฟืกห West Midlqnds West Midlands Wуые Mшвдфтвы 2 Tηε Uπλανδσ Wεστ Mιδλανδσ 2 Tاث Uحمشىيس 2 The Uplands Wाेू Mग्तोल्े Sसाूपैगमक é The Uplqnds Tηε Oλδ Cηαπελ Iνν Pub Food / T้ำ Uยสฟืกห
