Sushi So

Overall Rating 2.0 (3 reviews)


Sushi So Description

The Sushi So restaurant is located at the 43 Endell St, London Greater London. It serves Sushi and Japanese food. Sushi So is has takeout. The avarage rating of this restaurant rated by 3 reviewers is 2.0. For more deatils and orders call Sushi So on 020 3077 1111 or visit thier website.

Sushi So Phone Number

020 3077 1111

Sushi So Opening Hours

Mo 11:15-20:30
Tu 11:15-20:30
We 11:15-20:30
Th 11:15-20:30
Fr 11:15-20:30
Sa 11:15-20:30
Su 11:15-20:30


Sushi So Location

Sushi So Facilities


Sushi So Website


Sushi So Cuisine

Sushi , Japanese

Sushi So Address

43 Endell St
London , Greater London , WC2H 9BA
United Kingdom


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