Five Degrees West

Overall Rating 3.6 (11 reviews)


Five Degrees West Description

The Five Degrees West restaurant is located at the 7 Grove Pl, Falmouth Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. It serves Pub Food, Barbecue, British, Grill and Vegetarian food. Five Degrees West is sutiable for groups and has takeout. The avarage rating of this restaurant rated by 11 reviewers is 3.6. For more deatils and orders call Five Degrees West on 01326 311288 or visit thier website.

Five Degrees West Phone Number

Five Degrees West Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


Five Degrees West Location

Five Degrees West Facilities

Serve Vegetarian FoodServe Vegetarian Food
Suitable for GroupsSuitable for Groups
Full Alcohol BarFull Alcohol Bar

Five Degrees West Website


Five Degrees West Cuisine

Pub Food , Barbecue , British , Grill , Vegetarian

Five Degrees West Address

7 Grove Pl
Falmouth , Cornwall and Isles of Scilly , TR11 4AU
United Kingdom


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